Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve will find you...I think those are the words to the melody stuck in my head at the moment.
Well, for Charlie's birthday yesterday, we got to go out! We went to the movies and saw Avatar - AMAZING!! What a great movie! I had my doubts, but I LOVE LOVE LOVED it!!
After the movie we came home and had cake. Well, we were at Charlie's parent's house, but still - we had cake - oh, and ice cream. Yum. I would say that I baked the cake, but I really only had the thought of baking the cake. I bought the cake mix and frosting. I know that really doesn't count. It was actually a group effort. My mom put the ingredients together, then Charlie's mom baked it. Together, we are amazing! Apparently it takes three to bake and frost a cake. (Unless one of Charlie's sisters - or two of them- frosted it, then it would take three or four.)
Today we unpacked the boxes that were in the living room and dining room. Why? You ask. Well, I will tell you. We now have our desk and couch in our new house. Go us.
Charlie rented a HUGE truck and we brought them over here. I say that I shouldn't have to go to the gym for at least a week. That desk is so freaking heavy!!
Well, back to what happened today. The kids got to have their first sleep over with grandma. Horay for mom and dad! We got to sleep in today. We still haven't seen our Children yet today. I'm kind of itching to see them - once I get everything cleaned up in the kitchen (something I'm avoiding at the moment - typing this up) I am going to go get them. I'm sure they will be overjoyed to see me! That, or happily go on with whatever activity they were engaged in to begin with. So, I am going to stop typing and clean up so I can see my kidlins!
Merry Christmas!!


Meags.... said...

I frosted the cake....

Hannah said...

Meags, thanks for frosting the cake!!