I didn't realize that I was posting my pictures on a different blog. I know, I know - who posts their pictures to the wrong blog? Well, I can explain. I just can't figure out how to do a custom background, so I made a new blog to experiment with so I wouldn't mess up this one. When I got on the computer with the intention of posting some pictures, and I got onto this blog and signed in. Next thing I know, I'm posting away and uploading pictures left and right, and I publish what I've done, and to my surprise, all my older posts are gone. Hmmm. So if you're wanting to see the new pictures right this second, you'll just have to go to the other page until I put them on this one. www.mickelsenfam.blogspot.com
Good luck in finding this one - I'll figure this out one of these days. I suppose this is what I get for trying to put off updating the blog and trying to get everything on all at once.
Tips, tricks, and suggestions would be great!!! How do you all get your blogs so dang cute? (Courtney, I'm talking to you!) Anyone, EVERYONE!! Help!!
I go to this website for my backgrounds http://www.aquapoppydesigns.blogspot.com/ It also tells you step by step instructions on how to do it. That's about all that I do. I loved all the pictures on your blogs. Your kids are so freakin cute!!!
I'm a fan of www.cutestblogontheblock.com and the other one I've used is www.leeloublogs.com
both of them have step by steps and if I can do it, so can you!
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